Wedding rewind!

This time 2 years ago, me and my then new husband breathed a huge sigh of relief as we wrapped up 2 weeks of wedding celebrations with 3 events (not recommended)! Hub and I had been together for 9 years at the time of wedding planning so all we did know is a big party was a must. Him being Hindu and me being Catholic, we soon found having an interfaith affair became quite the task – one we couldn’t have done without our families.

We arranged to have a Catholic wedding in Tuscany with close family and friends and a big Hindu wedding and reception back in the UK. Looking back, it was manic but good manic – I think or at least that what I tell myself and our bank balance anyway!

Being super into DIY details, this sort of overtook each part of the wedding – I had my in laws, my parents, fiancé, my sister and sister in law in a little jam making conveyor belt at one point! Apart from having just worked night shift 5 of 5 and almost falling asleep mid stir, it was lots of fun!

It’s almost hard to believe we have only celebrated our second year anniversary as so much has happened in this time. Nostalgia hit us hard as it’s difficult to remember a time without Sophia and Oscar.

Thankfully, we can always rely on our wedding photos to transport us back to those special couple of weeks. So one tip for any newly engaged couple – research your photographer, choose wisely and spend a little more – after all, once the day is over, what you’re left with are the memories you hold in your heart and those incredible moments that stand still in a photo for a lifetime. (Thank you Anushé Low Photography [] and X-Quisite Photography! [])

So here it is, wedding spam alert – you’ve been warned! I’m going to share a few (ok, more than a few) of my favourite photos and use this opportunity to say a huge thank you to everyone that shared these couple of weeks with us. You know who you are and we love you so much!

Which leaves me with just one thing to say and he knows it’s coming, dearest husband of mine, where is that wedding album I was promised!? Stiillllll waiting!

Our Catholic Wedding




 20130704-341 Castello Vincigliata Wedding






Our Hindu Wedding 









Our wedding reception








Professor Oscar 

Happy 2nd birthday buddy! On the first of July you turned 2! 

Would I leave you out of our home baked birthday cake tradition? Never.

 2 whole years of your mischief and cheek and I’ve loved every minute. In just 2 years, you’ve taught me things some people take moons to work out – here are my favourites! Thanks bud x

1. Forgive and forget 

2. Embrace your loved ones at the door 

3. Naps are good for the soul so lie in whenever you can 

4. Be loyal and faithful 

5. Wag more, bark less, bite never 

6. Eat what you’re given 

7. Perseverance is key – they’ll give up the chicken eventually

8. Live in the moment 

9. Enjoy the journey – it doesn’t always matter where you’re going 

10. End each day with a nuzzle, snuggle and kiss



P.s The cake was lapped up in no time and worked as a perfect treat for a good week. The recipe (from all is below for all curious dog lovers – very easy to make for even a novice baker so give it a go – tail wagging bowl licking good (and yes that was just me) 
Nutty for Peanut cake 


1/4 cup of peanut butter

1/4 cup of cooking oil 

1 egg 

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 

1/3 cup of honey 

1 cup of grated carrots 

1 cup of white flour 

1 teaspoon baking powder 


1. Combine the egg, peanut butter,vanilla extract,  cooking oil and honey and beat well 

2. Mix in the grated carrots 

3. Finally fold in the white flour and baking powder and spoon the batter into your prepared tin

4. Pop it into the preheated oven (180 degrees fan) for around 40 mins

5. Allow the cake to cool. Once cool, spread some more peanut butter (yes more!) to cover the top and serve a piece to your gorgeous pup! 

6. Sit back and smile – because they’re obviously licking the bowl clean! 


Crazy dog lady 

Hello July! 


How ironic that you used to be little more than a filler month in the year and yet you’re quite the opposite now! Value has indeed been added over the last 2 years – we tied the knot on your fourth day, and again on your tenth and last year we celebrated Oscar’s first birthday while I eagerly awaited the start of my mat leave! 

But this year? Well this year is something else entirely and for that I have a different request. 

This year, I would like it very much if you wouldn’t say goodbye at all – can we dance together a little while longer July? Whatever sweet melody you like, your choice, pretty please?

Oh, how things change in a year. 

You see, this marks the last month of my maternity leave (cue gallon tub of haagendaaz and one spoon with my name on it please?). My last days of morning snuggles with Sophia, any time of day walks with Oscar, random catch ups with friends, baby group play dates and crochet time amongst many other tid bits I’ve grown accustomed to are numbered. Soon I will have to adjust to a new normal – familiar ground mind, only I’ll be wearing different shoes – mummy shoes. Working mummy shoes – I can do that, right? 

As I ponder that question, and muddle through this month being extra sentimental and terrified all at the same time, you can expect to see more regular posts (with me buried under a mountain of Kleenex) as I cling to what’s left of this wonderful perfect little life changing year! 


Go shawty, it’s my birthday! 

My husband made sure that this birthday was a special one being my first with our dear little girl. A morning spent with Oscar and Sophia and then treated to an afternoon tea at Betty Blythes and dinner at the Shard, just the two of us! It had been a while so of course we’d have lots to talk about other than baby and puppy right?


I joke…(sort of). There was plenty of random chat owing to the discovery that my previously fair tolerance to alcohol had now positively dwindled in its 18 month unmissed absence! But I won’t lie – in between the catch ups, we found ourselves back to a cheeky Sophia anecdote or two. And surprisingly it wasn’t me that was the most guilty of it!

It was our first night away from Sophia since she was born you see so I was a little nervous. Deep down I knew she’d be ok and suspected (correctly) that I’d be the blubbering idiot!

But we survived. Ok more like I survived – she was absolutely fine – so proud of her while simultaneously feeling a little lost faced with her growing independence – geez this parenting thing, sometimes you just can’t win!

All in all, it was a lovely day and one I will always remember. Here are some of my favourite pictures of the day!

Morning birthday greeting from a hula wearing westie and baby girl - it's going to be a good day!

A morning birthday greeting from a hula wearing westie and balloon clad baby girl – it’s going to be a good day (and it was!)




Birthday twirl!



Picked it all on his own and it fit…boy. did. good.



With all the above said and photos shared of ‘my day’, I wanted to take just a moment to honour the real unsung hero of today, that Wednesday afternoon, all those 29 years ago…my mother x

When I was younger I remember having the odd fleeting thought about my mothers labour on my birthday. But it soon passed, it was my day after all, even she said so as she baked the cake, put out the balloons, wrapped all the presents and took all the ‘feeding cake’ Sri Lankan style photos.

Now after having a little girl of my own, the understanding I have of everything she did and still does for me is overwhelming. So here’s to you mum – on this day, my birthday. This isn’t my day, this is yours. Thank you for every tear, drop of sweat and hard work bringing me into this world and then every tear, drop of sweat and hard work keeping a smile on my face and raising me to be the girl, woman and mother I am today x


From mother to grandmother


I love you x endlessly