Time flies, little one x

To our dear little Sophia x

It feels like just yesterday we brought you home from the hospital and looked at each other completely bewildered and lost but so totally in love with you that it didn’t matter.

Ok so we still share those looks now (though, I promise we’re a little less lost).

We smile each time we hear the sweet melody of your conversation, when you learnt how to crawl, and when you stumbled as you took your first few steps. We giggle when you flash us a wide gummy smile while rubbing the sleep from your eyes, when you wave hi and bye and applaud yourself. We are so proud when you sing and dance to any melody, when you share your toys and food so naturally. You are joy personified – and you bring this to us in every little thing that you do.

Here’s to all these moments, the last 10 months and the many many more years of joy you’ll bring us  x We love you dearly x

Mama and Dada x

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Introducing Sophia Ishana!

So I have a confession to make. I have a teeny tiny case of OCD. You see, I like things in order, any sort of order at all, inextricably linked to my need to constantly pen lists of course.The problem arises however when I don’t manage to cross anything off said lists. This post? Case in point.

You see, I intended on digging through what has become a rather enormous digital photo pile (not unsurprising being the wife of  a photographer) to find a picture or three to date stamp each of Sophia’s months. A little journal if you will, for us to look back on as a reminder of the little things she accomplishes that have me clapping like a seal right now. They may be easily forgotten when she’s older, even with my so called photographic memory. A sort of digital scrapbook.

The problem is, the skill of procrastination is one I have mastered. The result? A very very late blogpost and a couple of dozen half written posts awaiting the publication of this one. Oops.

So here is my promise to myself to try and let go a little on logic…after all there is very little that is logical and orderly about my days now! I’ll do my best to digitally embrace the organised chaos and blog as I feel so bear with me as I get up to date and post more regularly! Yes, you guessed it, in no sort of order at all (eek!)

And with that note of self-shaming behind us, back to this post! It was rather an emotional roller coaster to put together if I’m totally honest! I reminisced, shed a few tears, laughed and stood back in amazement at how much she’s grown and where on earth the time has flown!

So here she is, introducing my little or rather not so little poppet, Sophia and her first 6 months!

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